Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Frozen Creek

This is piece number....nine...this semester? The medium I used is acrylic paint on top of an organic fabric relief.


  1. wow! this looks really good under camera. the orange stands out and the squaryness is more apparent. i love how u took something regular and added the geometric shape and shading. it makes it look like a true gallery piece.

  2. Judy! This is so interesting. I didn't think I would like the orange square in the middle but it turn out to look really good! Good Job!

  3. This piece is awesome! The technique is obviously eye-catching and the highlights really make it pop. I think it was a good decision adding the square and orange was a good pick. Very Nice!!

  4. It looks like a painting though it's 3-d/ish. i like the contrasting colors and the idea. ^ ^

  5. this really caughts my eye and great texture

  6. hey judy i really like this i know its a breath piece but i love the sensitivity to the medium.

  7. Hey Judey i find this compsostion to be truly engageing, i love the contrast between organic and inorganic chapes GOOD JOB

  8. I really like this peice of yours:) I think the highlights of white really bring out this peice!

  9. I really like this piece. It is very interesting and i like the white highlights.

  10. This piece is amazing! Each angle you look at have different type uniqueness. The value of your color really makes it eye catching.
